Establishing Your Morning and Evening Routine

tray with bath bomb on tub

You know how they say, “time is nobody’s best friend”? Well, they are not lying. Do you ever feel like you wasted your 24 hours? Like you could be doing more with your time, but time seems to fly by, and before you know it, the day is over.

When my schedule gets super busy, and my to-do list becomes unbearable, my life starts to feel unbalanced, and it takes me a while to get my life back together. I learned establishing a morning and evening routine allows you to accomplish more goals, utilize your time wisely, and improve your overall health. Let’s discuss how you can create a daily routine that sets you up for success every day without feeling burnt out. 

Determining Your “Prime Time”

Purpose of Morning Routine 

For some of us, getting up in the morning can be a hassle because we always try to get those last few minutes of sleep. But if we are honest, hitting the snooze button only makes us sleepier. Even though everyone has the same 24 hours, do you feel you are utilizing your time wisely? Establishing a morning routine gives you more control over how your day will flow. Practicing productive morning habits like moving your body, eating healthy, or meditating can help you generate momentum to accomplish all your goals with a positive and clear mindset. Here are  some morning routine activities you can try:

•           Self-Affirmations – increases self-confidence and overcomes negative thought

•           Exercising – improves focus and boost your energy throughout the day

•           Meditation or Prayer – reduces worry and calms your mind 

•           Listen to motivational music, podcast, or video – boosts overall mood and memory 

•           Eat healthy breakfast – improves concentration and decrease health risks 

Purpose of Evening Routine

The best feeling is coming home, winding down, and relaxing at the end of a busy day. However, even if I end my night early, I still feel like I never get enough hours of sleep and feel inadequately prepared for the next day. Do you ever feel that way? Establishing a night routine will give you a relaxed mind, better sleep quality, sharpen your mind for the next day, and decrease anxiety. The purpose of having an evening routine is to allow yourself time to decompress mentally and physically. After you create your evening routine, no matter what your day looks like, you will notice your overall attitude improves, feel more energetic, and be prepared to tackle any task or unforeseen tasks for the upcoming day. Here are some evening routines activities you can try: 

•           Cleaning and Organizing – creates a relaxing environment and helps ease your mind

•           Journaling – tracks your growth, improves your mental health, and decreases stress

•           Reading – build your vocabulary, increase your empathy and strengthens your brain

•           Make a to-do list – improve productivity, keeps you accountable and decreases stress

•           Spend time w/ your love ones – improves your communication skills, decreases anxiety and builds a stronger unique bonds

  • Disconnecting from cell phone – improves your sleep, break from the outside world and improves your self-esteem 

What did we learn?

As we grow older and our schedules start to become change, having an established morning and evening routine will create more structure in your life and improve your health overall. Time flies when we are having fun and when we are not, so enjoy it and use it wisely. We can never get it back. 

Comment below and tel me what your productive morning and evening routine is. Also, make sure you follow me on my social media and share this post with your loved ones!

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