Steak and Lobster Me Please

marble table with wineglasses and plate decorated with vase of fresh white flowers

Currently, I am in a period in my life where I am finally getting the break that I have been praying for, but I always feel that I might fail again. Why? I don’t know. Maybe because I am letting outside influences determine how I should think about myself and my goals. To be honest, it had me in a funk for a minute, and I was doing everything I could to get out of it. I listened to many sermons telling me that I could live my dream life, but I had to believe in myself and put the work in behind it. My life was created just for ME, and only I can live it. I had to learn to stop comparing my life to others and figure out how I would accomplish my own goals. The two main questions I asked myself were “how could I become the woman I aspire to be and how do I get there?” Let me t.e.l. how you can create achievable goals.

Write Your Goals Down

Create a Action Plan

            You might have already written down your goals for this year but if you were stuck like me, let me help you out. Now you must trust me for this exercise. I want you to close your eyes and imagine where your life will be on December 31st. Have you elevated yourself, or did you slack on your true potential?

Now you probably are like, “okay, you’re about to tell me to make an action plan,” and you are correct, my friend. Creating an action plan allows you to clearly see what steps you need to take and the resources you need. After completing your action plan, put it up somewhere in your house or make it your screensaver. Seeing what you have to do every day will motivate you to complete your goal so you can check it off your list.

Sticking to a Timeline

close up photo of yearly planner beside a pen

            Alright, so you have your goals written down and your action plan created. Now let’s talk about the most critical part of the process: picking your start and end date. This is a vital step because you want to use your time wisely and take advantage of it. I am definitely a woman who enjoys her wind-down time, but I also have to put in time limit on my goals. You can put whatever time limit you want, but just make sure it is not too much time, and you will find out what I mean when the time comes. 

What Did We Learn?

By 26, I thought would be living in NYC, dating, thriving in my marketing career, and enjoying life. But chile I was terribly wrong, and it was hard to adjust to. Nobody’s life is perfect, and you never know where life will take you. 2021 was a year full of surprises, and to be honest, I am nervous to see what 2022 will finish as. But I have many goals for this upcoming decade, and I plan to accomplish every one of them. By 2030, I will be dining on steak and lobster, telling my story about how I worked my butt off to achieve my goals and how I am ready to attack my new ones! 

Comment down below and t.e.l. me about how you plan on achieving your goals this year. 

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