How to Create a Basic Wardrobe Capsule

What is your style? This is a question I have been asking myself for years, and I still don’t have a solid answer. My style is constantly changing because I’m looking to incorporate new fashion trends into my current wardrobe, but everyone knows that many styles aren’t long-lasting.

Fashion is constantly changing, and trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends can be stressful and sometimes damaging to my pockets. Even though I would love to spend my entire paycheck on clothes, the responsible adult in me wouldn’t let me. Over the years, I learned the importance of spending my money wisely on wardrobe pieces that will last for a few years, not a season. Let me tel you why you need a basic wardrobe capsule. 

Before I discuss why you need a basic wardrobe capsule, let me tel you what a capsule wardrobe is. A capsule wardrobe is a limited selection of interchangeable clothes that style well with other wardrobe pieces. Basic wardrobe pieces help define your style and help keep extra money in your pocket. Who says you can’t be a stylish on a budget? Here is how you can create your basic wardrobe capsule today.

Decluttering + Refreshing Your Wardrobe

We all have wardrobe pieces that we wore once or never wore at all and are just taking up space in our closets. Decluttering and refreshing your wardrobe will provide you with a clear understanding of which wardrobe pieces fit in with your current style and what pieces you need to purchase. To determine which pieces you need, we first need to define your style. 

woman in green and white checkered blazer sitting on sofa chair

Now…close your eyes; we’re going to do a little visualization exercise together. I want you to recollect an outfit where you just KNEW you were killin’ it! What did you come up with? You can start there by recreating that outfit and seeing if you feel as though it meshes with your current style goals, or you can mix it up and try out the opposite if you’re looking for a change. I want you to remember the confidence and residual happiness you embodied while wearing the outfit. Let those empowering emotions guide you in your future styling goals. 

My biggest tip would be to look to your favorite celebrities, influencers, and online platforms like Pinterest to see how you can add your personal touch to different looks. There’s a lot of fun mixing and matching different looks to create a style unique to you. Since high school, I’ve been doing this, and let me tell you; it led to some exciting ensembles. However, it also helped me discover what trends I should invest in. 

Wardrobe Essentials Needed for Women and Men

5 Quick Tips on How To Always Look Your Best

What Did We Learn?

Trends are constantly changing, so your style probably will too. Don’t be scared to try new things, get out of your comfort zone, and find your confidence in variety! Having a solid basic wardrobe capsule will provide you the opportunity to create a style that works for you within your budget. It is ok to splurge on the items you want, but hopefully, you learned that it is financially wise to invest in pieces you can wear for years to come. 

What is your style? What basic wardrobe pieces do you need?  

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